At last, Canada makes good on promise to ban single-use plastic

Posted By: Beatrice Olivastri Comments Off on At last, Canada makes good on promise to ban single-use plastic

It’s taken an enormous amount of work to arrive at the announcement of draft regulations to ban six single-use plastic products.  For that work, we say thank you to former ECCC Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, current ECCC Minister Steven Guilbeault, their staff and ECCC scientists.  This is an important step towards limiting plastic pollution that pervades the oceans, our rivers

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NAWL and FOE: A real climate-emergency plan must address inequality

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on NAWL and FOE: A real climate-emergency plan must address inequality

Op-ed published by iPolitics on October 15, 2020. Written by Anne Levesque, co-chair of the National Association of Women and the Law and Beatrice Olivastri, CEO of Friends of the Earth Canada. ‘In the recent global fires, floods and droughts, it’s women who have borne the brunt of climate catastrophe.’ It was heartening to see climate

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A question for the CPPIB, from FoE supporter Larry Meikle

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on A question for the CPPIB, from FoE supporter Larry Meikle

Friends of the Earth supporter, Larry Meikle attended the 2018 previous CPPIB meeting in person. For the 2020 virtual meeting, he’s submitted the following question to the Chairperson of the CPPIB for the 2020 meetings. “The recently released 2020 CPP Investments’ Sustainability Investing report, under ‘Exclusions and Exits’, states: “As a long-term investor, we prefer

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Take Action at CPP Annual Meetings – register now for your provincial meeting

Posted By: Beatrice Olivastri Comments Off on Take Action at CPP Annual Meetings – register now for your provincial meeting

We welcome the many expressions of concern stimulated by Friends of the Earth’s expose of corruption at the CPP Investment Board.  We want assurances that this will never happen again. The up-coming CPPIB public meetings must address action to weed out corruption internally, provide transparency for all corporate holdings and action on climate damage. You

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A summer quest for a rare bumblebee #RustyPatchedGo

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on A summer quest for a rare bumblebee #RustyPatchedGo

Written by Sheila Colla I have been looking for this species since 2003 and have only found two individuals, one in 2005 and one in 2009. Both of these bees were at Pinery Provincial Park, ON. These two sole bees are the last known records of this species for Canada, despite annual searches. The Rusty-patched Bumblebee

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International Women’s Day – Highlighting climate change impacts on women in Canada

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on International Women’s Day – Highlighting climate change impacts on women in Canada

On March 24th, FOE and National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) are intervening at the Supreme Court carbon tax case, being appealed by Saskatchewan and Ontario. On behalf of FOE and NAWL, co-counsels Nathalie Chalifour and Anne Levesque, will propose ways that consider the unique circumstances of a prolonged and systemic crisis like

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Plastic pollution meets climate damage

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Plastic pollution meets climate damage

When you’re talking to your candidate for the federal election, ask them what they’re doing to get to zero plastic waste. Every stage in the lifecycle of plastics is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions – extracting and transporting fossil fuels as feedstock, refining, manufacturing of the plastic products, use of the plastic products and waste

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Friends of the Earth Canada national poll finds majority of Canadians do not trust Flushable Wipes manufacturers’ claims

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Friends of the Earth Canada national poll finds majority of Canadians do not trust Flushable Wipes manufacturers’ claims

June 3, 2019, Ottawa – As leaders from the Canadian wastewater management sector gather in Ottawa to discuss issues like plastics in water and the impacts and costs associated with “flushable” wipes on municipal sewer systems operations and reliability, Friends of the Earth is releasing its new poll on flushable wipes. With municipal expenditures to

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