It’s time to ban glyphosate: a call to action to Canadians and residents of Canada

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Petition Updates will be posted here. Petition e-4127 calling for a ban on glyphosate is closed effective January 13. Thank you to all 18,385 people signing on to the petition. Watch this space for details on presentation of the petition to the Minister of Health in the House of Commons. The Minister will be required

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Stop the ratification of CETA! A joint statement by German and Canadian civil society groups

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On the occasion of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Canada, and ahead of the announced ratification of the EU–Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) by the German parliament, we Canadian and German civil society organisations express our continued opposition to CETA, which protects corporate interests at the expense of climate, environmental and social

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Human Rights Advocates and Legal Experts Deliver Blueprint for New International Corporate Accountability Law in Canada

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Ottawa, ON / May 31, 2021—Today the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) releases draft model legislation that provides lawmakers with a blueprint for writing into Canadian law the corporate duty to respect human rights and the environment. The draft model law, if adopted, would require Canadian companies to prevent human rights and environmental harm

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Virtual Press Conference Announcing Release of Model Due Diligence Legislation in Canada

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OTTAWA, ON—On Monday, May 31st, the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) will release draft model legislation to provide lawmakers with a blueprint for a new international corporate accountability law in Canada. The draft model law, if adopted, would require Canadian companies to prevent human rights and environmental harm throughout their global operations and supply

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Nigerian farmers and Friends of the Earth win oil pollution case against Shell in historic ruling

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FRIENDS OF THE EARTH NETHERLANDS, FRIENDS OF THE EARTH EUROPE For immediate release: Friday January 29, 2020 The Hague, 29 January 2021 – The Court of Appeal in The Hague has ruled in favour of Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands and four Nigerians on most points in an oil pollution case that was first brought

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International agency’s findings confirm serious concerns about Canada’s radioactive waste handling and radiation protection practices

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(Montreal, Quebec, September 18, 2019)  The need for urgent reform of Canada’s approach to radioactive waste has just been confirmed by findings from the global authority on nuclear matters, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which completed an 11-day review mission to Canada on September 13.  Canadian civil society groups say the IAEA findings validate their

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Supporting the ratification of the Basel Ban Amendment

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Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister Environment and Climate Change Canada Ottawa July 17, 2019 Dear Minister McKenna, With this letter, we the undersigned call on you and the Canadian government to support the ratification of the Basel Ban Amendment, which prohibits developed countries like Canada from exporting their hazardous wastes to developing countries. The amendment is

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Twelve environmental organizations call on the Canadian government to take immediate regulatory action on plastic waste and pollution

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(British Columbia) – Twelve leading ocean conservancy and environmental groups have requested that Canada’s environment and health ministers take immediate regulatory action on plastic wastes and pollution, under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, and call on the Government of Canada to add any plastic generated as a waste, or discharged from the use or disposal

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Massive Mobilisation of the International Civil Society on the Global Anti-Chevron Day

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Amsterdam/Geneva/Quito – May 21st 2019 268 organisations, networks, social movements and trade unions from different continents, representing more than 280 millions of persons, are mobilised to denounce the Chevron’s impunity in Ecuador and ask the president of Ecuador to support the Chevron case in favour of the indigenous and peasant communities. After 15 years of

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