Canada Creates Human Rights Watchdog For Overseas Operations of Canadian Companies

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OTTAWA, January 17, 2018 – Friends of the Earth is encouraged by the Government of Canada’s announcement today regarding the creation of a Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Business Enterprise. Canada’s Minister of International Trade, François-Philippe Champagne announced the long awaited office. The human rights ombudsperson will independently investigate complaints concerning the overseas operations of Canadian

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Official Ombudsperson Announcement

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After 11 years of campaigning for greater corporate accountability, the CNCA is encouraged by the federal government’s creation of a human rights ombudsperson regarding the overseas operations of Canadian companies. Across the country, our member organizations, allies, and grassroots activists have kept this issue on the political agenda through sustained engagement with their members of

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PMRA Misses the Mark On Bee Protection

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19 December, 2017 (Ottawa) – Today, after five years of study, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency has again failed to protect bees and pollinators.  Its re-evaluation report on two neonicotinoids proposes to allow continued use of clothianidin and thiamethoxam in Canada. A complicated mix of phase down of some uses and re-labelling does not

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UN treaty moves towards curbing transnational corporations’ impunity, human rights violations

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Geneva, Monday (30 October 2017) – Friends of the Earth International welcomes the positive conclusion of the 3rd session of the Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) on a UN treaty on transnational corporations and human rights (1), after substantive discussions on content, impressive and diverse participation of social movements and a record presence of 101 member states.

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Access to Justice Opened for Ecuadorians – Asking Canada to Enforce a Polluter Pays Decision Against Chevron

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Canada has a long history of polluter pays decisions. The precedent setting case for polluter pays in Canada occurred in 1994 in a Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) case, in which Friends of the Earth intervened represented by Ecojustice. Imperial Oil had appealed to the SCC a clean up order for contamination on their 1918 refinery

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Ontario’s Top Court Lifts Barrier to Epic Struggle Against Chevron

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October 31, 2017 (Ottawa, Canada) – Today, Ontario’s top court reversed the decision of a lower court that ordered Ecuadorian villagers to put up almost a million dollars before moving ahead with their case against Chevron. The Ecuadorian Indigenous people and settlers came to Canada seeking enforcement of the ruling of their court that the

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UN Human Right Council to negotiate elements for a Treaty on Transnational Corporations

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Amsterdam and globally (19 October 2017) – Friends of the Earth International is urging states to enter constructively on negotiations for a legally binding treaty to hold transnational corporations to account on human rights and environmental abuses UN treaty on transnational corporations and human rights in Geneva on 23 – 27 October 2017. This will

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2017 Bumble Bee Count Calls for Volunteer Census-takers

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August 3, 2017 (Ottawa, Ontario) ­– In response to global concerns about declines in pollinator biodiversity, Friends of the Earth is launching its second “Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count” and offering downloadable “Census Cards” to help identify the bees. The campaign asks people to look for and take photos of bumble bees and to upload

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