After 11 years of campaigning for greater corporate accountability, the CNCA is encouraged by the federal government’s creation of a human rights ombudsperson regarding the overseas operations of Canadian companies.

Across the country, our member organizations, allies, and grassroots activists have kept this issue on the political agenda through sustained engagement with their members of Parliament. We’re pleased that the government is following through with its campaign promise to create an ombudsperson office.

We’re encouraged that the government’s announcement includes commitments on each of the essential elements for an effective office.

To ensure the office is effective, we will continue to press for it to operate at arm’s length from government, free from political interference. The ombudsperson must be given the power and resources needed to conduct thorough investigations – including the power to compel the production of documents and testimony. We will monitor the office to ensure it makes public recommendations for remedy and harm prevention, and oversees the implementation of those recommendations. We will also be paying close attention to the office’s recommendations for policy and law reform in Canada to hold corporations to account for the impacts of their overseas operations.

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