Declare No-go Zones for CropLife lobbyists, FAO and Nature COP told

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This same week as the start to the UN’s Nature COP in Montreal, the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Governing Council will be meeting, and we’re calling on FAO leadership to end their indefinite agreement with pesticide industry lobbyists, CropLife International. FAO was created to promote sustainable agriculture, champion biodiversity and protect human health.

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COP27 outcome: Loss and Damage fund established in historic first step, but other outcomes perilously weak

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  A historic breakthrough in deadlocked COP27 talks means a Loss and Damage fund to compensate developing countries for the irreversible impacts of climate change has been established, despite consistent efforts by the US and other developed countries to derail it. This fund was one of the key demands of developing countries, and it is

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This Giving Tuesday – Keep Flower Power Alive

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Giving Tuesday, November 29, is an antidote to the crass commercial cycle of Black Friday (and the weeks of advertising proceeding it), Small Business Saturday/Sunday and Cyber Monday – consumerism that begets single use plastic pollution and ever more gadgets and stuff. Giving Tuesday creates the space to consider and support the causes that give

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Bee on white allium flower. Photo courtsey of Sandra Wells.

Combat the Biodiversity Crash by teaching about wild bees and other beneficial insects

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By Beatrice Olivastri and Ian Shanahan. Wild native bees are barely noticed, but they work away like undercover agents in our fields, gardens, forests, and parks. There are more than 4000 species of wild native bees recognized in North America, 20,000 worldwide, and new species are still being discovered. Bees make up a cohort of

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What is CPP Investments’ climate strategy?

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The calendar has rolled past another two years to October when CPP Investments gives us 10 days’ notice for the meetings they’re required to hold with their stakeholders (that’s anyone over 18 who invests through their CPP deductions or beneficiaries drawing their pensions). Is it a sign of their arrogance that they publish their 60

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It’s time to ban glyphosate: a call to action to Canadians and residents of Canada

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Petition Updates will be posted here. Petition e-4127 calling for a ban on glyphosate is closed effective January 13. Thank you to all 18,385 people signing on to the petition. Watch this space for details on presentation of the petition to the Minister of Health in the House of Commons. The Minister will be required

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First ever climate Charter case to be heard by a Canadian court

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Friends of the Earth Canada has won standing in a historic climate change court challenge. The case known as Mathur et. al. v. Her Majesty in Right of Ontario is the first ever climate Charter case heard by a Canadian court. Seven young people are demanding that Ontario take real action on climate change and

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Watch the Climate Charter Case Virutal Hearing

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First Ever Climate Charter Case in Canada September 12-14 Seven young people will be in court demanding that Ontario take real action on climate change Friends of the Canada will be in the courtroom with them Watch the virtual hearing September 12-14 starting at 10 am  (Zoom details below) Read Friends of the Earth’s Intervener

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Stop the ratification of CETA! A joint statement by German and Canadian civil society groups

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Stop the ratification of CETA! A joint statement by German and Canadian civil society groups

On the occasion of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Canada, and ahead of the announced ratification of the EU–Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) by the German parliament, we Canadian and German civil society organisations express our continued opposition to CETA, which protects corporate interests at the expense of climate, environmental and social

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bees on flower

Bees, Butterflies, By-laws and Weed Wackers

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Bees, Butterflies, By-laws and Weed Wackers

Turn a tragedy into a greener future… August 16, 2022 (London) – Friends of the Earth Canada condemns the wanton destruction of Susan McKee’s pollinator garden by London city workers. However, rather than focus on recriminations and finger pointing, Friends of the Earth is urging London to modernize its antiquated property maintenance By-laws to bring

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