Friends of the Earth and other Canadian pesticide action groups comment on the new Target 7 of the new Global Biodiversity Framework:

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Friends of the Earth and other Canadian pesticide action groups comment on the new Target 7 of the new Global Biodiversity Framework:

It is significant that the world has recognized how destructive pollution can be for biodiversity in Target 7 of the new Biodiversity agreement. For the first time, parties have agreed to an explicit objective on pesticides, committing to reduce overall risk from pesticides and highly hazardous chemicals by at least half by 2030.  This is an important signal. We look forward to working with ECCC, Health and Agriculture ministers to rapidly develop accountable measures for Canada to reduce pesticides and other highly hazardous chemical inputs in agriculture, forestry and other uses by at least 50 per cent.  Because humans are recognized as part of nature, solutions that address the ecological and climate crises where nature is protected and ecosystem services are restored will also confer human health benefits.

This has been a gaping hole in Canada’s targeted review of PCPA and work to date on sustainable agriculture.  Now’s the time to get specific on how we deal with a 50% reduction of risk.


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