This Giving Tuesday – Keep Flower Power Alive

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Giving Tuesday, November 29, is an antidote to the crass commercial cycle of Black Friday (and the weeks of advertising proceeding it), Small Business Saturday/Sunday and Cyber Monday – consumerism that begets single use plastic pollution and ever more gadgets and stuff. Giving Tuesday creates the space to consider and support the causes that give

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Bee on white allium flower. Photo courtsey of Sandra Wells.

Combat the Biodiversity Crash by teaching about wild bees and other beneficial insects

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By Beatrice Olivastri and Ian Shanahan. Wild native bees are barely noticed, but they work away like undercover agents in our fields, gardens, forests, and parks. There are more than 4000 species of wild native bees recognized in North America, 20,000 worldwide, and new species are still being discovered. Bees make up a cohort of

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bees on flower

Bees, Butterflies, By-laws and Weed Wackers

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Turn a tragedy into a greener future… August 16, 2022 (London) – Friends of the Earth Canada condemns the wanton destruction of Susan McKee’s pollinator garden by London city workers. However, rather than focus on recriminations and finger pointing, Friends of the Earth is urging London to modernize its antiquated property maintenance By-laws to bring

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Take the Next Step to Protect Pollinators – Call for By-Law Modernization

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By Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth It is wonderful to hear about widespread citizens’ efforts to plant pollinator gardens and corridors. In equal measure, it is disturbing to hear about municipal enforcement of antiquated by-laws that allow enforcement officials to cut down naturalized gardens based on complaints. A case in point is the

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Do you know your bees? Researchers find Canadians lack bee knowledge

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TORONTO, October 28, 2020 – How well do you know your bees? York University researchers have found bee knowledge in Canada lacking with about half of those surveyed thinking honey bees are wild and native to Canada. They’re not. They were brought over from Europe and are managed by beekeepers like other farm animals, such

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A summer quest for a rare bumblebee #RustyPatchedGo

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Written by Sheila Colla I have been looking for this species since 2003 and have only found two individuals, one in 2005 and one in 2009. Both of these bees were at Pinery Provincial Park, ON. These two sole bees are the last known records of this species for Canada, despite annual searches. The Rusty-patched Bumblebee

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Protect native bees by planting native plants in the Greater Toronto Area – says new e-guide

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Toronto, ON (June 23, 2020) In recognition of National Pollinator Week, Friends of the Earth is publishing “A Flower Patch for the Rusty-patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat Gardens for Native Pollinators in the Greater Toronto Area”. Friends of the Earth Canada is making free digital copies of the e-guide available through as a public service.

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Environmental groups back in court over pollinator-killing pesticides

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Groups ready to fight off federal government’s attempt to dismiss lawsuit  |  6 July 2017 TORONTO – Ecojustice lawyers are in court this week to tell the federal government to buzz off. “Our clients – and the bees and other wild pollinators – deserve their day in court,” said Julia Croome, Ecojustice lawyer. “The federal

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Province-wide bee protection campaign launched – Friends of the Earth calls on city folks to “Let It Bee”

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Province-wide bee protection campaign launched – Friends of the Earth calls on city folks to “Let It Bee”

May 5, 2016 (Toronto, Ontario)  In response to global concerns about declines in pollinator biodiversity, Friends of the Earth, with the support of Ontario Power Generation, is launching its “Let It Bee” campaign. More than two-thirds of the food crops we depend on benefit from pollination by native bees, honey bees and other pollinators. “Let

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