This Giving Tuesday – Keep Flower Power Alive

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Giving Tuesday, November 29, is an antidote to the crass commercial cycle of Black Friday (and the weeks of advertising proceeding it), Small Business Saturday/Sunday and Cyber Monday – consumerism that begets single use plastic pollution and ever more gadgets and stuff. Giving Tuesday creates the space to consider and support the causes that give

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Bee on white allium flower. Photo courtsey of Sandra Wells.

Combat the Biodiversity Crash by teaching about wild bees and other beneficial insects

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By Beatrice Olivastri and Ian Shanahan. Wild native bees are barely noticed, but they work away like undercover agents in our fields, gardens, forests, and parks. There are more than 4000 species of wild native bees recognized in North America, 20,000 worldwide, and new species are still being discovered. Bees make up a cohort of

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Federal pesticide regulator flip-flops on proposed neonics ban after years of delay

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Canada failing to protect the environment from harmful pesticides, groups say OTTAWA – Decisions published today by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency will allow the widespread use of neonicotinoid insecticides to continue, despite evidence of harm to wildlife and ecosystems. Environmental organizations say Canada is failing to protect the environment from harmful pesticides. “It is

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Clean Fuel – climate solution or environmental disaster?

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Ottawa, February 24 – Friends of the Earth Canada is raising serious questions about the environmental implications of the proposed federal “Clean Fuel Standard”.  In a discussion paper the group released today, they identify significant gaps in the scientific knowledge needed before deciding to increase the amount of biofuel produced in Canada. “Greenhouse gas reductions

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Province-wide bee protection campaign launched – Friends of the Earth calls on city folks to “Let It Bee”

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May 5, 2016 (Toronto, Ontario)  In response to global concerns about declines in pollinator biodiversity, Friends of the Earth, with the support of Ontario Power Generation, is launching its “Let It Bee” campaign. More than two-thirds of the food crops we depend on benefit from pollination by native bees, honey bees and other pollinators. “Let

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Thousands March in Defense for Mother Earth Against False Solutions in Lima, Peru

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December 12, 2014 Ana Isla and Terisa Turner What is happening in the Conference of the Parties at Lima Peru? Corporations and governments are interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However this reduction is, for them, problematic. Recent science shows that rather than providing real emissions reductions all programs that are presented as means for

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Help save Ontario’s endangered species

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Ontario’s Endangered Species Act is a key law that protects the province’s endangered wildlife and habitat. The law is one of the best in the country. When corporations plan a project that affects species at risk, they must obtain a permit. The industry or developer must come up with a plan that protects endangered species. The company must comply with the terms of the permit, and the environmental impacts are monitored.

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Biodiversity talks should oppose ‘financialization’ of nature

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HYDERABAD, INDIA, October 12, 2012 — While ministers start gathering here ahead of a second week of United Nations Biodiversity talks, preparing to discuss where to garner billions of dollars needed to preserve global biodiversity, Friends of the Earth International warns against Nature being ‘financialized.’

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