Statements following leak of draft PMRA Value Assessment of Neonicotoinoids

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Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada’s said: “There’s a fox in the chicken coop and the fox is the pesticide manufacturers reaping huge profits from farmers. It does appear there’s virtually no benefit but vast hazards to our environment from neonicotinoids. If the Canadian government can’t get its act together to do its

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Premier Wynne’s Mandate Letters- Marching Orders in Ontario to Protect Pollinators

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In a move for transparency, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has made public her mandate letters to the ministers of her cabinet. In this blog post, we are cherry picking points from her letters related to pollinator health. Among her opening statements she says, “The people of Ontario have entrusted their government to be a force for good,” and

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Off to the Races – and Yes, it is a Race to Paris

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The race to Paris and a binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is off to a stellar start – last week 400,000 people joined the People’s Climate March in New York, and hundreds of thousands more in 156 countries took to the streets, joining the largest and most powerful climate demonstration in global history. Friends

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Fear Mongering by the Chemical Industry

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Last week, I applauded Ontario’s Agriculture Minister Jeff Leal for his decision to restrict the use of neoniotinoids on farmers’ fields. To be clear, I would prefer an outright ban, but this is an important and pragmatic step to substantially reduce use of these bee-killing pesticides and shows leadership on the North American stage. According

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Ontario Needs A Renewed Climate Action Plan

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If Ontario’s newly minted Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Glen Murray, needed a road map for priority action, it was delivered with pizzaz yesterday by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Gord Miller. The Commissioner is required under the Environmental Bill of Rights to prepare an independent annual report on Ontario’s progress on reducing greenhouse

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Honey bees get support in Niagara Falls by-election polling

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Friends of the Earth Bee Cause finds overwhelming voter support for action to save bees in closely fought by-election between NDP and PC front-runners in the Niagara Falls Riding (Ottawa, ON, Feb. 6, 2014) A poll commissioned by Friends of the Earth Canada (FOE) to research voter expectations related to protecting honey bees in Canada’s

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Open Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Members of Parliament: Corporate Accountability and Withdrawal of Canadian Support for Gabriel Resources in Romania

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Open Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Members of Parliament: Corporate Accountability and Withdrawal of Canadian Support for Gabriel Resources in Romania

(Ottawa) December 5, 2013: MiningWatch, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Council of Canadians and Earthworks join the call of Romanian and Canadian protesters to request the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Members of Parliament for: (1) introduction of legislation to make Canadian corporations, particularly extractive industry corporations, accountable for proposed projects and actual operations abroad

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Gifts Are Green for the 2013 Holiday Season

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Ahead of the biggest shopping season a poll commissioned by Friends of the Earth Canada shows buyers do consider the environment in their purchases (Ottawa, Canada November, 21, 2013) As the biggest retail blitz of the year approaches, Friends of the Earth Canada (FOE) is releasing their national holiday survey results. FOE commissioned this research

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