Asian Carp threat to Great Lakes

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Friends of the Earth, represented by their attorneys, the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center and Ecojustice Canada, filed an amicus brief on November 22, 2011 urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the appeal by the States of Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. These States are in court to force the U.S. Corp of Engineers and other defendants to take urgent action to prevent the invasion of Asian Carp into the Great Lakes through the Chicago Area Water System.

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Friends of the Earth, Ecojustice ask Supreme Court to respect polluter pays principle

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(Ottawa, November 16, 2011) Ecojustice, representing Friends of the Earth, appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada today to argue that insolvent corporations cannot shift the cost of cleaning up environmental contamination to the taxpayer. This is the first time Canada’s insolvency procedure has been challenged to deal with the polluter pays principle. In this case, the issue is historic contamination by AbitibiBowater Inc.’s mining, shipping and pulp and paper operations in Newfoundland.

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Friends of the Earth, Ecojustice fighting for polluter pays principle at Supreme Court

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Friends of the Earth, represented by Ecojustice, will appear before the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Newfoundland and Labrador v. AbitibiBowater Inc. The Supreme Court is considering whether insolvent corporations in Canada must fulfill their past environmental obligations to the public or whether taxpayers must bear the full cost of an environmental clean-up. This is the first time Canada’s insolvency procedure is challenged to deal with the polluter pays principle, in this case, for historic contamination by AbitibiBowater’s mining, shipping and pulp and paper operations in Newfoundland.

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‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ awarded to FoEI Chair Nnimmo Bassey

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STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN) / LAGOS (NIGERIA), September 30, 2010 — Friends of the Earth International is proud to announce that its chair Nnimmo Bassey will be a recipient of the 2010 ‘Right Livelihood Award.’ The Right Livelihood Award, often referred to as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ will be delivered in Stockholm on December 6.

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CEO’s statement in response to SCC’s decision on climate lawsuit

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Friends of the Earth is disappointed by the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to decline to hear our application to hold the federal government accountable for its lack of action in implementing the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act which was duly passed by Parliament in June 2007.

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World Water Day Celebration — Be True to Blue

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Manitou, Manitoba / Ottawa — In celebration of World Water Day, Friends of the Earth is launching its new water awareness project, “Be True To Blue” in Manitou, Manitoba in cooperation with the Pembina Valley Conservation District and the Manitoba Department of Water Stewardship. The launch takes place at Manitou Opera House on March 18 at 7:30 pm.

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Be True To Blue pilot campaign in Pembina Valley Conservation District (PVCD), Manitoba, Canada

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Canadians use 329 litres of water/day on average. Manitobans use 227 litres/day. In some communities in PVCD, citizens use 160 litres/day. FoE is honoured to work with PVCD grassroots leaders to apply the water soft path approach and, in so doing, explore the challenges and opportunities it offers to communities in PVCD.

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Media advisory — World Water Day Celebration

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To celebrate World Water Day, Friends of the Earth and the Pembina Valley Conservation District (PVCD) will launch a new water outreach program, “Be True To Blue,” with the support of Manitoba Water Stewardship and RBC’s Blue Water Project and participation from RBC branches in Manitou, Morden, Winkler, Crystal City and Somerset.

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Canada facing legal challenge for breaking federal global warming law

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OTTAWA — The Government of Canada is facing a landmark legal challenge in the country’s top court for failing to take action on global warming — specifically for refusing to respect a federal law that requires reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Yesterday an appeal was filed with the Supreme Court seeking to argue that the Government is breaking Canadian law by failing to comply with the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (KPIA). It is the first climate change lawsuit in Canadian history.

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