Friends of the Earth International

June 22, 2012

Comment on the Rio+20 Summit closing day

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL, June 22, 2012 — Commenting on the Rio+20 Summit closing day, Nnimmo Bassey, chair of Friends of the Earth International said:

“World leaders failed at their Summit in Rio, mainly because of the undue influence that multinational corporations have on them and the UN.”

“But the parallel People’s Summit demonstrated that real solutions to the current crises do exist and that people are successfully mobilizing around them.”

“By exposing the negative influence of multinational corporations we have gained considerable momentum in our efforts to reclaim the UN as a people’s space. And this campaign is just starting.”

For more information

Nnimmo Bassey, chair of Friends of the Earth International
Tel: +234 803 727 4395 (Nigerian cell), or email Nnimmo [at]

Lucia Ortiz, Economic Justice International Program Coordinator, Friends of the Earth International (in Brazil)
Tel: +55 51 98 41 87 07 or +55 21 6968 7826 or email lucia [at]

Paul de Clerck, Corporates Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth International
Tel: +32 494 38 09 59 or email paul [at]

Notes to editors

Read more about FoEI’s reclaim the UN campaign at:

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