Rio+20 Summit sell out of people and the planet

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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL, June 22, 2012 — Friends of the Earth International today strongly condemned world leaders for selling out people and the planet in their Rio+20 declaration which falls far short of the action needed to tackle the planetary crisis we face, and does not include any of the real solutions demanded by the people at the alternative People’s Summit.

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World leaders failed at Summit in Rio

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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL, June 22, 2012 — Commenting on the Rio+20 Summit closing day, Nnimmo Bassey, chair of Friends of the Earth International said: “World leaders failed at their Summit in Rio, mainly because of the undue influence that multinational corporations have on them and the UN. But the parallel People’s Summit demonstrated that real solutions to the current crises do exist and that people are successfully mobilizing around them.”

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Where now for climate justice? FoEI’s post-Durban analysis

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DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, December 13, 2011 — The UN climate talks in Durban were a failure and take the world a significant step back by further undermining an already flawed, inadequate multilateral system that is supposed to address the climate crisis, according to Friends of the Earth International.

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‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ awarded to FoEI Chair Nnimmo Bassey

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STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN) / LAGOS (NIGERIA), September 30, 2010 — Friends of the Earth International is proud to announce that its chair Nnimmo Bassey will be a recipient of the 2010 ‘Right Livelihood Award.’ The Right Livelihood Award, often referred to as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ will be delivered in Stockholm on December 6.

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