Oppose this unnecessary pipeline and demand real climate action

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June 18, 2019 – Ottawa Friends of the Earth Canada regrets the federal government’s decision to expand the Trans Mountain pipeline. It is inconsistent with Canada’s climate action goals. This pipeline threatens the welfare of future generations. “It’s clear this decision is about politics and the power of the oil industry not about what’s good

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Good news for Canadian bees, other pollinators and gardeners – major garden centres shut down use of neonic pesticides

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June 12, 2019 (OTTAWA) – A Friends of the Earth Canada survey has revealed a major victory for bees and pollinators. Canada’s big box stores are reporting they have almost eliminated the sale of neonicotinoid-contaminated flowering plants. Friends of the Earth Canada has spent the last five years testing flowering plants from garden centres across

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Friends of the Earth welcomes plasticsa pollution initiatives announced by Canada

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Statement from Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada: Yesterday, Canada’s PM and Environment Minister announced a suite of initiatives to reduce plastic pollution and invest in innovations.  Friends of the Earth Canada welcomes this suite of measures starting with the intention to ban single-use plastics as early as 2021 with regulations under the

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Twelve environmental organizations call on the Canadian government to take immediate regulatory action on plastic waste and pollution

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(British Columbia) – Twelve leading ocean conservancy and environmental groups have requested that Canada’s environment and health ministers take immediate regulatory action on plastic wastes and pollution, under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, and call on the Government of Canada to add any plastic generated as a waste, or discharged from the use or disposal

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Delay cancelling certain uses of neonicotinoid pesticide unlawful: environmental groups are pursuing Health Canada in Federal Court

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Toronto, May 30, 2019 – Ecojustice, on behalf of Équiterre, David Suzuki Foundation, Wilderness Committee and Friends of the Earth Canada, is challenging the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) unlawful decision to impose a two-year “phase-out” period, as opposed to immediate cancellation of certain uses of the neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam and implementation of other necessary risk

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Massive Mobilisation of the International Civil Society on the Global Anti-Chevron Day

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Amsterdam/Geneva/Quito – May 21st 2019 268 organisations, networks, social movements and trade unions from different continents, representing more than 280 millions of persons, are mobilised to denounce the Chevron’s impunity in Ecuador and ask the president of Ecuador to support the Chevron case in favour of the indigenous and peasant communities. After 15 years of

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Ecojustice et les Ami(e)s de la Terre demandent au Bureau de la concurrence Canada d’enquêter et d’imposer des amendes de 230 millions $ aux fabricants de lingettes

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Des groupes de défense de l’environnement dénoncent des allégations fausses et trompeuses sur les lingettes dites « jetables dans les toilettes ». OTTAWA, le 1er mai 2019 – Les Ami(e)s de la Terre Canada, représentés par Ecojustice, ont déposé aujourd’hui une demande d’enquête par le Bureau de la concurrence concernant des allégations fausses et trompeuses faites par

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Environmental groups say “flushable” wipe based on false and misleading claims

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Competition Bureau Canada asked to investigate and levy $230 million in fines against wipes manufacturers OTTAWA, May 1, 2019 – Today, Friends of the Earth Canada, represented by Ecojustice, filed an application seeking an investigation by the Competition Bureau into false and misleading claims made by the manufacturers of 23 so-called flushable wipes and other

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Environmental groups, beekeepers give Canada’s pesticide regulator a failing grade on neonics

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Groups declare today’s risk assessment incomplete and out-of-step with leading jurisdictions, call on government to proceed with proposed ban without further delay OTTAWA – Environmental groups and beekeepers disagree with the final decisions of Canada’s pesticide regulatory agency assessing risks to pollinators from neonicotinoid insecticides. In the decisions, published today, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency concludes

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Canadian Government Reneges on Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog 

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For Immediate Release: April 8, 2019 The Government of Canada failed today to appoint an independent Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) with real powers to investigate abuses and redress the harm caused by Canadian companies operating abroad. Canadian companies operating overseas have been associated with widespread and egregious human rights abuses including forced labour, rape

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