Friends of the Earth (FOE) and National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) Call for Climate Justice for Women and Girls in Canada

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Co-counsels Nathalie Chalifour and Anne Levesque, the lawyers representing the two groups, will argue for an interpretation of the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments that allows for an effective, sustained and collaborative legislative response to climate change. FOE and NAWL will put forward three mutually reinforcing arguments: (1) taking strong action

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Environmental groups in court to challenge delay in phasing out neonic pesticide

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Toronto – Ecojustice, on behalf of the David Suzuki Foundation, Wilderness Committee, Friends of the Earth Canada and Équiterre, are in court today to defend pollinators and stop the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) from ignoring its regulatory duties. These groups will argue that the PMRA is unlawfully and arbitrarily delaying necessary restrictions on the

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Will Ford, Higgs and Moe spend $27 billion on reactors?

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December 2, 2019 (Ottawa) –  While the world is focussed on the UN Climate Change Conference, three Canadian Premiers who have challenged Canada’s Carbon Tax announce their own scheme to get off coal and other dirty energy by using Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNRs). Last week, it was revealed that Premier Ford’s decision to shut down

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Ontario must reverse course on Pesticides Regulation changes to protect pollinators

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Fine print in regulatory proposals flowing from Bill 132 removes accountability mechanisms, invites over-use of bee-killing neonic pesticides  TORONTO — Regulatory changes proposed in conjunction with Bill 132, the Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, would undermine Ontario’s restrictions on neonicotinoid insecticides (“neonics”) by doing away with important accountability mechanisms, according to environmental and

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Standing in Supreme Court Climate Case sought by Friends of the Earth and National Association of Women and the Law

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November 7, 2019 (Ottawa) – Late yesterday, Friends of the Earth (FOE) and the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) filed their Memorandum of Argument of the Proposed Intervenor in the Climate case being appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) by Ontario and Saskatchewan. This filing is an important step by

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Canadians Say Politicians Need to Tackle Plastics Pollution

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October 1, 2019, Ottawa – Half way through the federal election, Friends of the Earth Canada has a message for Canadian politicians.  The electorate wants action to stop plastics pollution: 86% of Canadians want you to take more action on plastics as a way of reducing climate harmful greenhouse gases. And 8 out 10 Canadians

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International agency’s findings confirm serious concerns about Canada’s radioactive waste handling and radiation protection practices

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(Montreal, Quebec, September 18, 2019)  The need for urgent reform of Canada’s approach to radioactive waste has just been confirmed by findings from the global authority on nuclear matters, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which completed an 11-day review mission to Canada on September 13.  Canadian civil society groups say the IAEA findings validate their

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Environmental Groups Call for Seafood Industry Boycott of AquaBounty’s Salmon Eggs to Prevent Mix-Ups at Fish Farms

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Caution needed to prevent accidental GM salmon production in ocean net-pens Thursday, September 12, 2019. Halifax. Ahead of the Canadian Seafood Show, September 25-26 in Montreal, Canadian and U.S. environmental groups (1) are calling on the aquaculture and seafood industry to boycott AquaBounty’s Atlantic salmon eggs in order to eliminate the risk of any accidental

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Breaking News – Canada’s Competition Bureau inquiry underway on “flushable” wipes

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August 28, 2019 (Ottawa) – Friends of the Earth is pleased with the news that Canada’s Competition Bureau has started an inquiry on alleged false and misleading advertising on 23 so-called “flushable” wipes. With regard to the Section 9 application filed with the Competition Bureau of Canada by six applicants supported by Friends of the

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Supporting the ratification of the Basel Ban Amendment

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Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister Environment and Climate Change Canada Ottawa July 17, 2019 Dear Minister McKenna, With this letter, we the undersigned call on you and the Canadian government to support the ratification of the Basel Ban Amendment, which prohibits developed countries like Canada from exporting their hazardous wastes to developing countries. The amendment is

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