Thousands March in Defense for Mother Earth Against False Solutions in Lima, Peru

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December 12, 2014 Ana Isla and Terisa Turner What is happening in the Conference of the Parties at Lima Peru? Corporations and governments are interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However this reduction is, for them, problematic. Recent science shows that rather than providing real emissions reductions all programs that are presented as means for

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UN climate talks

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DOHA, QATAR, November 23, 2012 — While delegates from around the world prepare to meet for the annual United Nations climate talks in Doha next week, Friends of the Earth International expressed strong concerns over the continued lack of progress by developed countries which are supposed to take the lead to stop climate devastation and avoid catastrophic climate change.

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Oh Canada — you’re not free to cut and run from Kyoto

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By my calculation, by the time Canada’s withdrawal kicks in one year from now, we will have had commitments under the Kyoto Protocol for five years less 19 days. Professor Nigel Bankes from the Faculty of Law at University of Calgary reviews law pertaining to withdrawal from an international environmental agreement in his blog.

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Where now for climate justice? FoEI’s post-Durban analysis

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DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, December 13, 2011 — The UN climate talks in Durban were a failure and take the world a significant step back by further undermining an already flawed, inadequate multilateral system that is supposed to address the climate crisis, according to Friends of the Earth International.

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FoE Canada releases “Plug and Play” model regulation to help Canada reduce greenhouse gas pollution

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(Ottawa, December 8, 2011) With Canada’s international environmental reputation at rock bottom at the Durban climate negotiations, Friends of the Earth Canada has decided to donate its services to help Canada. “Canada’s Minister of the Environment showing up in Durban without domestic regulations in place is shocking,” said Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada. “So we’ve prepared a model regulation, Reduction of Releases of Toxic Substances Causing Global Warming, that mirrors exactly what our government needs to finally regulate greenhouse gas pollution from the largest emitters in Canada.”

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Canada facing legal challenge for breaking federal global warming law

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OTTAWA — The Government of Canada is facing a landmark legal challenge in the country’s top court for failing to take action on global warming — specifically for refusing to respect a federal law that requires reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Yesterday an appeal was filed with the Supreme Court seeking to argue that the Government is breaking Canadian law by failing to comply with the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (KPIA). It is the first climate change lawsuit in Canadian history.

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Canada violating Kyoto law

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TORONTO — Environmental groups are in court today challenging Canada’s federal government for its violation of the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (KPIA). Friends of the Earth, represented by Ecojustice and Paliare Roland Barristers are arguing before the Federal Court of Appeal that Canada’s Minister of Environment and the Governor in Council are in violation of the Canadian law that requires Canada to take strong action to meet binding international commitments to fight climate change.

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Canada back in court over Kyoto lawsuit

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OTTAWA — Lawyers for Friends of the Earth Canada gave the Government of Canada notice yesterday that they will be appealing a recent Federal Court decision in Canada’s first ever climate change lawsuit. The much anticipated appeal comes one week before the world gathers in Poznan, Poland for the next round of international climate change negotiations.

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Canada wriggles off the hook for violating Kyoto law

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(Toronto, October 20, 2008) After months of deliberation, Canada’s Federal Court released a decision late yesterday regarding the Government of Canada’s alleged violation of the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (KPIA), a federal law that required Canada to take specific action to meet binding international commitments to fight climate change.

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