Will the Canada Pension Plan and your retirement be hit by climate chaos? Or thrive by adapting its investment plan?

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We don’t have years to think about acting on climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes it clear we need action now! Even the US government report just released agrees urgent action is needed. Friends of the Earth is warning that if the CPPIB does not take immediate action, it will

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Tell the Feds you want strong environmental laws

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Friends of the Earth has joined with other environmental groups across the country to insist that the government fulfill its promise for strong environmental laws.  Here’s the situation. Bill C-69 — the omnibus bill covering EA (now called Impact Assessment), the Canadian Energy Regulator Act and the Navigable Waters Act — has gone to committee and witnesses

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When I go yard saling this spring, I’ll be looking for Friends of the Earth Bee Cause signs!

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on When I go yard saling this spring, I’ll be looking for Friends of the Earth Bee Cause signs!

Spring has sprung and, in my home town, Chatham, Ontario, that means the yard sale circuit gets underway. I have wonderful memories of taking my mother and father out for a drive in the spring. Whether heading out to Lake Erie or just around town, Mom always checked out how the trees had survived the

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BREAKING NEWS: Toxics in my garden!

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Today, Friends of the Earth Canada filed evidence (from our 2017 flower testing results) to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario to begin investigation of RONA, Canadian Tire and Home Depot for selling gardeners plants containing harmful, banned cosmetic pesticides, namely boscalid, imidacloprid, pyraclostrobin napropamide, and spinosad. These corporations and their directors could be fined millions of dollars. Here’s

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