Global Plastic Treaty Negotiations: Action on Conflict of Interest

Posted By: Petra Al Aridi 1 Comment

Civil Society Calls for Action on Conflict of Interest at the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty negotiations “Public participation is a human right, and meaningful and active participation is integral to the success of the negotiations of the plastics treaty.” Dear Executive Director Andersen and Secretary Mathur-Filipp, At least 143 fossil fuel and chemical industry lobbyists registered for

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Image depicting a sea turtle with a plastic bag wrapped around its head, illustrating concerns over conflicts of interest in the High Ambition Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty. Text overlays include "High Ambition Coalition (HAC)" and "Conflicts of interest in global plastics treaty negotiation."

Concerns over UAE’s role in the HAC for a Global Plastics Treaty

Posted By: Petra Al Aridi 1 Comment

UAE in the HAC letter To: High Ambition Coalition co-chairs Tuesday, 16 April 2024 Subject: No Ambition with UAE in the HAC Dear HAC co-chairs, Ahead of the upcoming fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to advance a plastic treaty (INC-4) in Ottawa, Canada, and following the publication of your Member States Ministerial Statement the undersigned

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Who wants to eat more pesticides in your corn flakes?

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Who wants to eat more pesticides in your corn flakes?

Did you know you are entitled to know everything about the drugs doctors prescribe and nothing about the pesticides applied to your food? Did you know Health Canada wants to allow residual glyphosate in food at levels higher than allowed in Europe and the United States? If you didn’t it’s likely because of Health Canada’s

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Who would’ve thought heating oil would be the dominant political issue

Posted By: John Bennett Comments Off on Who would’ve thought heating oil would be the dominant political issue

All the premiers as well as left and right political parties are teaming up against the government. Why? Because the oil companies pumped up the price of oil so much the Liberal government felt compelled to offer some relief to rural residents still dependent on oil heating until they can install alternatives which the federal

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Support a Clean and Safe Environment for All this Giving Tuesday!

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Support a Clean and Safe Environment for All this Giving Tuesday!

Another eventful year is coming to an end and the work we accomplished would not have been possible without loyal supporters like you. Friends of the Earth is looking forward to making a greater impact in 2024 with your continued support. First, we want to say thank you for being there for our devoted team. 

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Help stop plastic companies from weakening Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Help stop plastic companies from weakening Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution

Today, we learned plastic companies are instructing their employees to participate in the federal government’s consultation on the legally binding Global Plastic Treaty in order to weaken Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution. The only way to prevent industry from succeeding is to overwhelm Environment and Climate Change Canada with Canadians calling for a strong

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Federal government signals its willingness to get serious on pesticides; reducing pesticide risk and use must be a priority to protect human health and biodiversity, say environmental groups.

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Federal government signals its willingness to get serious on pesticides; reducing pesticide risk and use must be a priority to protect human health and biodiversity, say environmental groups.

Toronto, Ont./ Traditional territories of several First Nations including the Williams Treaties First Nations, Huron-Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Chippewas, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation – Environmental groups welcome today’s announcement from the federal government stating its intention to end the cosmetic use of pesticides on federal lands and strengthen regulation of pesticides. The David

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Thousands of Canadians, led by celebrated filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal and supported by author Margaret Atwood, call for glyphosate ban and political accountability for pesticide reduction

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Thousands of Canadians, led by celebrated filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal and supported by author Margaret Atwood, call for glyphosate ban and political accountability for pesticide reduction

For Immediate Release (05/01/23) (OTTAWA | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People) — New Brunswick MP, Jenica Atwin, and prominent documentary filmmaker, Jennifer Baichwal are calling on Parliament to ban the use of glyphosate, Canada’s most widely-used weed killer.  Atwin is presenting a petition – signed by more than 18,000 Canadians and backed

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Kick Big Polluters Out letter in response to COP28 presidency

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Kick Big Polluters Out letter in response to COP28 presidency

Friends of the Earth Canada, along with more than 400 organizations worldwide, have supported an open letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell, in light of the appointment of oil executive Al Jaber as COP28 president. The full letter can be read below. Date: January 26, 2023 To: António

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