Who wants to eat more pesticides in your corn flakes?

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Did you know you are entitled to know everything about the drugs doctors prescribe and nothing about the pesticides applied to your food? Did you know Health Canada wants to allow residual glyphosate in food at levels higher than allowed in Europe and the United States? If you didn’t it’s likely because of Health Canada’s

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Federal government signals its willingness to get serious on pesticides; reducing pesticide risk and use must be a priority to protect human health and biodiversity, say environmental groups.

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Federal government signals its willingness to get serious on pesticides; reducing pesticide risk and use must be a priority to protect human health and biodiversity, say environmental groups.

Toronto, Ont./ Traditional territories of several First Nations including the Williams Treaties First Nations, Huron-Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Chippewas, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation – Environmental groups welcome today’s announcement from the federal government stating its intention to end the cosmetic use of pesticides on federal lands and strengthen regulation of pesticides. The David

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Thousands of Canadians, led by celebrated filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal and supported by author Margaret Atwood, call for glyphosate ban and political accountability for pesticide reduction

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For Immediate Release (05/01/23) (OTTAWA | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People) — New Brunswick MP, Jenica Atwin, and prominent documentary filmmaker, Jennifer Baichwal are calling on Parliament to ban the use of glyphosate, Canada’s most widely-used weed killer.  Atwin is presenting a petition – signed by more than 18,000 Canadians and backed

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Clearing the Air in Downtown Ottawa: An Open Letter to His Worship, Mark Sutcliffe, Mayor of Ottawa

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Dear Mayor Sutcliffe, On behalf of Friends of the Earth Canada and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (Ontario Committee), we write to draw your attention to an urgent public health hazard in downtown Ottawa – heavy truck pollution. To summarize, the City of Ottawa’s choice to route heavy trucks through its high-density

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It’s time to ban glyphosate: a call to action to Canadians and residents of Canada

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Petition Updates will be posted here. Petition e-4127 calling for a ban on glyphosate is closed effective January 13. Thank you to all 18,385 people signing on to the petition. Watch this space for details on presentation of the petition to the Minister of Health in the House of Commons. The Minister will be required

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BREAKING NEWS: Toxics in my garden!

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Today, Friends of the Earth Canada filed evidence (from our 2017 flower testing results) to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario to begin investigation of RONA, Canadian Tire and Home Depot for selling gardeners plants containing harmful, banned cosmetic pesticides, namely boscalid, imidacloprid, pyraclostrobin napropamide, and spinosad. These corporations and their directors could be fined millions of dollars. Here’s

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Banned pesticides found in plants at Ontario garden centres

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Environmental groups file request for investigation under Ontario’s Environmental Bill of rights April 18, 2018 (TORONTO) Friends of the Earth Canada is calling on Ontario Minister of the Environment Chris Ballard to investigate the ongoing, and unlawful, sale of flowering plants containing banned pesticides, including bee-killing neonicotinoids. Acting on behalf of Friends

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Federal Court rules bee-killing pesticide lawsuit will go to full hearing

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Lawsuit brought by environmental groups survives second attempt to shut it down. April 12, 2018 TORONTO — A lawsuit launched by environmental groups in a bid to protect pollinators from harmful neonicotinoid pesticides will proceed to a full hearing, despite repeated attempts by the federal government and companies that make the pesticides to shut the

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