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Help stop plastic companies from weakening Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution

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Today, we learned plastic companies are instructing their employees to participate in the federal government’s consultation on the legally binding Global Plastic Treaty in order to weaken Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution.

The only way to prevent industry from succeeding is to overwhelm Environment and Climate Change Canada with Canadians calling for a strong position on ending plastic production and consumption. Numbers count!

There are only 72 hours left. Please act now! 

Friends of Earth has a sample letter for you to review, customize if you like and send. Please help us rid the planet of plastic pollution.

Here’s why you should be concerned and send in your letter. Plastic pollution is growing in leaps and bounds.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reports that plastic production increased 230-fold from 1950 to 2019, and, in the absence of new policies, the amount of plastic waste produced globally (393 million tonnes in 2019) is on track to almost triple by 2060 – about half will end up in landfills, and less than a fifth recycled.

Each year, globally, about 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enter the oceans from land. This is equivalent to dumping one garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute.

Plastic pollution is now found in fish, in the nests of birds and bees, in humans and human placenta and fetuses – virtually everywhere!

Industry is not going to put the brakes on this growing pollution unless you and citizens around the world insist on it. A new legally binding global agreement is under negotiation but we need your voice to make sure it is strong!

One contentious issue is whether there should be a limit to the production and consumption of plastic – something industry is resisting mightily. Don’t forget that plastic production is seen by industry as the new market for all that fossil fuel we won’t need as cars, buses and more transport is electrified. So, the fossil fuel companies desperately need more plastic production.

When world governments meet for the third negotiation in November, the plastic corporations will pull out the stops to undermine the Treaty’s impact on their growing business of plastic pollution.

We really need your help to insist Canada takes a strong position against plastic pollution – send your letter to Minister Guilbeault by end of the day Sunday September 17th.  If you can, share this message with friends and colleagues.


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