Global Plastic Treaty Negotiations: Action on Conflict of Interest

Posted By: Petra Al Aridi 1 Comment

Civil Society Calls for Action on Conflict of Interest at the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty negotiations “Public participation is a human right, and meaningful and active participation is integral to the success of the negotiations of the plastics treaty.” Dear Executive Director Andersen and Secretary Mathur-Filipp, At least 143 fossil fuel and chemical industry lobbyists registered for

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Help stop plastic companies from weakening Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Help stop plastic companies from weakening Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution

Today, we learned plastic companies are instructing their employees to participate in the federal government’s consultation on the legally binding Global Plastic Treaty in order to weaken Canada’s negotiating stance on plastic pollution. The only way to prevent industry from succeeding is to overwhelm Environment and Climate Change Canada with Canadians calling for a strong

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