Friends of the Earth Canada Objects to Feds’ Renewal of Bee-Toxic Pesticide

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For immediate release (OTTAWA, CANADA, September 23, 2013) Friends of the Earth Canada has filed a notice of objection to Health Canada’s decision under the Pest Control Products Act to renew conditional registration of a bee-toxic pesticide, clothianidin, despite lack of due diligence by the applicant companies. Health Canada’s agency dealing with pesticides is recommending

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Brown envelope reveals more bad news for Canada’s bees

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Friends of the Earth Canada has received a brown envelope delivery of data showing neonicotinoid residue analysis for 2013 compared to 2012. Dated August 27, 2013, it shows residue in dead bees, affected bees, their pollen, honey, water, soil and vegetation. If this is the update for 2013, the bee carnage continues. “If this is

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The Bee Cause

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The Bee Cause calls for a ban on bee harmful pesticides and practices while proposing and delivering practical ways to help bees and wild pollinators. Bees are very important in Canada with estimates of $1.7 billion value for their pollination services and $146 million of honey produced annually. Bees are under many stresses in Canada. For example,

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Canada’s top court upholds right to launch environmental class action lawsuits

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OTTAWA — Environmental advocates are hailing a precedent-setting ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada today in the case of St. Lawrence Cement Inc. v. Barrette, which upheld the right for citizens to launch environmental class action lawsuits. Represented by pro bono lawyers from Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund) and the firm of Lauzon Bélanger, the Quebec Environmental Law Centre and Friends of the Earth Canada intervened in the dispute to defend the rights of Canadians to use class action procedures in environmental nuisance cases. The groups also sought to challenge a controversial Quebec Court of Appeal decision that would have prevented class action lawsuits over environmental harm.

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Pétition de dernier recours pour sauver le parc Benny

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(Montréal, le 2 septembre 2008) Un groupe de citoyennes et de citoyens a déposé aujourd’hui une pétition basée sur la Charte montréalaise des droits et responsabilités — reconnue par l’UNESCO — où ils demandent à l’ombudsman de la Ville de Montréal d’enquêter sur un processus de consultation qualifié de biaisé à l’arrondissement de Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.

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Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights (CEBR)

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OTTAWA — Three leading environmental organizations are using the United Nations’ World Environment Day to launch the first Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights (CEBR), model legislation that would enshrine in law the right of all Canadians to a healthy environment. The proposed Environmental Bill of Rights was researched and drafted by pro bono lawyers at Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund), on behalf of Friends of the Earth Canada and the Sierra Club Canada. The groups are asking parliamentarians from all federal parties to advance the legislation through the House of Commons.

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Right to launch environmental class action lawsuits

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OTTAWA — Lawyers for two environmental groups will be intervening at the Supreme Court of Canada today, challenging a controversial Quebec Court of Appeal decision that could impair the rights of citizens to launch class action lawsuits over environmental harm. Represented by pro bono counsel from Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund) and the firm of Lauzon Bélanger, the Quebec Environmental Law Centre and Friends of the Earth Canada will be intervening in the landmark St. Lawrence Cement Inc. v. Barrette case.

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