Friends of the Earth Canada joins with its international counterparts in saying:

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The COVID-19 crisis is a wake up call for system change. It can only be tackled with peoples’ sovereignty and environmental, social, gender and economic justice. Our actions now will shape what comes after this crisis. This is a moment to reaffirm hope, by nurturing and strengthening new emancipatory and ecological paradigms, centred around justice

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Canada: 301 organizations, academics and others urge governments to adopt human rights oversight of COVID-19 responses

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Read the joint public statement and accompanying letter: COVID and human rights oversight public statement Letter regarding COVID human rights oversight statement (EN) Letter regarding COVID human rights oversight statement (FR) OTTAWA – A total of 301 organizations, academics and former politicians from across the country are calling on all levels of government in Canada

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Over 150 major charities form Emergency Coalition to save sector and maintain support to Canada’s most vulnerable

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TORONTO, March 25, 2020 — The leaders of over 150 Canadian charities have written a letter to the Government of Canada asking for urgent financial support to prevent the irreparable collapse of the sector, and their vital programs, due to the COVID-19 crisis. Canada’s charities are a critical  part of the Canadian economy, contributing more than

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Statement: Court decision gives pesticide industry extra time to complete its paperwork while bees and other pollinators pay the price.

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on Statement: Court decision gives pesticide industry extra time to complete its paperwork while bees and other pollinators pay the price.

For immediate release on Feb 19, 2020 TORONTO – Environmental groups renew their call for the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (the PMRA) to act swiftly to implement registration amendments to curtail the use of neonicotinoid pesticides. These are systemic pesticides, and when plants absorb them, they are expressed in their nectar, pollen and other tissues,

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