Dozens of International Organizations and Networks Call for an End to State of Emergency and Militarization in Ecuador’s Southern Amazon

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December 19, 2016 Today, nearly fifty international organizations and networks sent the following letter to Ecuadorian authorities urging an immediate end to the militarization and the State of Emergency that was declared in the southeastern Amazonian province of Morona Santiago last week. Instead of force, they urged for there to be openness to dialogue over the proposed Panantza-San Carlos mine project with the Shuar and campesino communities in accord with their constitutional

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Prevent Mesothelioma and other Asbestos Diseases in Canada

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Organizations call on Prime Minister for an Immediate Asbestos Ban and Expert Panel Review IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, 7 December 2016 – Over 60 health, labour, and environmental organizations from across Canada urge Prime Minister Trudeau to take the necessary steps to achieve a comprehensive ban on asbestos, beginning with regulatory actions banning asbestos use

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Secret TiSA Trade deal equally as dangerous as TPP and TTIP

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SECRET TISA TRADE DEAL EQUALLY AS DANGEROUS AS TPP AND TTIP finds new Friends of the Earth International report 1 December 2016  – While the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) appears to be dead [1] and negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) stalled [2], another similar corporate trade dealstill in the making –

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New law would create Human Rights Ombudsperson to investigate violations associated with Canadian mining, oil and gas operations overseas

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Ottawa, Nov 2, 2016 – The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability released yesterday detailed model legislation, providing the Canadian government with a blueprint for how to create an effective human rights ombudsperson in the extractive sector. Human rights abuses at Canadian mining and oil and gas sites around the world are widespread and well documented. Victims

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Coalition of environmental and human rights organizations calls on the Pope to protect environmental defenders

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VATICAN, 5 OCTOBER 2016 – Out of concern for the increasing violence against environmental defenders, a coalition of 76 environmental and human rights organizations from 19 countries asks the Pope to stand up for their protection. In a letter presented to Pope Francis this week, the organizations ask the Pope to be a patron for

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On Eve of Enforcement Trial, Canada’s Civil Society Calls for Chevron’s Assets To Be Frozen So Ecuador Judgment Can Be Paid

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  Canadian environmental justice, labor, human rights, and First Nations groups blast Chevron and call for justice for Ecuadorians September 7, 2016 (Toronto, ON ) Some of Canada’s largest environmental, labor and civil society organizations have now joined the growing international community demanding that Chevron clean up its toxic waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon and cease

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Money Hidden in Tax Havens Can Power Half the World with 100% Renewable Energy

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Time for G20 to act (Friends of the Earth International – Press Release, Amsterdam – 2 Sept. 2016)  Globally every year up to $600 billion dollars of government tax revenue is lost through tax avoidance alone 1. In a new report, launched today, Friends of the Earth International calculates that government revenue lost to tax

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Environmental groups head to court over pollinator-killing pesticides

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Neonicotinoid pesticides have been linked to mass bee die-offs and declining pollinator populations. TORONTO, July 6, 2016 — Environmental groups are headed to court in a bid to protect pollinators from a harmful class of pesticides. The David Suzuki Foundation, Friends of the Earth Canada, Ontario Nature and the Wilderness Committee have been tracking the

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A Fix for the Climate Polluting Canada Pension Plan

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June 1, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) Friends of the Earth Canada is calling on Canada’s largest public investor, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), with $278.9 billion in assets, to stop investing in climate polluting fossil fuels and bring its investment policies in line with Canada’s commitment to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C of warming. Canadians

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