The Global Leadership in Business and Human Rights Act: An act to create an independent human rights ombudsperson for the international extractive sector

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The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability released today (November 2, 2016) detailed model legislation, The Global Leadership in Business and Human Rights Act: An act to create an independent human rights ombudsperson for the international extractive sector, providing the Canadian government with a blueprint for how to create an effective human rights ombudsperson for the overseas operations of Canadian extractive companies.

Human rights abuses at Canadian mining and oil and gas sites around the world are widespread and well documented. Victims of such abuse in local communities have nowhere to turn to seek justice, including in Canada. A new model law being launched today will help the Canadian government fulfill its promise to remedy human rights abuses and prevent future harm, as well as help create a more predictable and stable operating environment where the responsible business practices of Canadian companies are recognized and rewarded.

To date over 100,000 Canadians and 50 Canadian organizations have added their voice to the call for an ombudsperson. Most Canadian political parties, including the Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada, Green Party and Bloc Quebecois, have committed to create an independent human rights ombudsperson for the extractive sector. Today’s model legislation provides the roadmap to do so swiftly and effectively because when it comes to human rights abuse, unlawful and unethical practices, and destruction of livelihoods and environmental degradation, talk is not enough.

Below (and on the CNCA’s website) you will find the following links:

  1. An executive summary that clearly explains what is contained in the model law, how this office would work, etc.
  2. The full text of the model legislation
  3. “Talk is Not Enough” – highlights how the model ombudsperson office would offer real change, by highlighting the core differences between it and the two existing ineffective mechanisms (the National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines and the CSR Counsellor’s Office)
  4. Shareable infographics (attached below)
  5. Press release
  6. Take action!! (with a personalized letter to YOUR MP and by sharing on your social networks)
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