Ontario Releases Climate Change Strategy Discussion Paper

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climatepaperFriends of the Earth welcomes Ontario’s plan to engage its citizens in determining best steps to build a new, clean, low carbon economy. While Ontario citizens are among the largest per capita emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, we know they can and have already embraced significant steps to reduce ghgs. It’s the right time for all Ontarians to step up to climate change leadership.

As individuals and in their roles as parents and grandparents, citizens, employers and employees, Ontarians have the right under Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights to engage with the government to determine the best low carbon path forward. There is no time to lose in redesigning our communities, businesses and lifestyles to reflect climate realities.

This strategy paper from Minister Glen Murray is the starting point.

The government will  hold province wide consultations with citizens, community organizations, industry stakeholders, municipal representatives and businesses, and will publically post the discussion paper for comment on the Environmental Registry for 45 days.

Friends of the Earth looks forward to contributing to this important opportunity.


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