‘Dirty’ Air Act — deceptive and disastrous
Press release
October 19, 2006
‘Dirty’ Air Act — deceptive and disastrous
(Toronto, October 19, 2006) The Bill unveiled in Parliament today deliberately deceives Canadians. “Under Harper’s ‘Dirty’ Air Act, Big Oil wins and the average Canadian chokes,” says Beatrice Olivastri, Chief Executive Officer, Friends of the Earth. “There is nothing to protect Canadians from dirty air or climate chaos — no targets for real reductions of pollution, no schedules that nail down deadlines for reductions.”
In fact, the tabled amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act open the government to constitutional challenges. “By adopting the Bush approach, Mr. Harper’s government is diminishing Canada’s authority to act to defend the environment,” says Olivastri. “Today’s announcement clears the way for an unfettered Big Oil tar sands boom with no regard for the environment.”
“Acid rain was brought to its knees with a combination of concrete targets with set dates to reduce emissions. The Harper approach has none of these attributes,” states Olivastri.
Environment Minister Ambrose stated the new Act would strengthen the federal government’s ability to regulate cleaner air. “Today’s announcement contradicts that statement, as it not only weakens that ability but constitutes a sell out to polluters,” says Ms. Olivastri. “This bill is nothing more than a ‘Dirty’ Air Act.”
For more information, contact:
Brent Kulba, ECO, 416-972-7401
Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada, 613-724-8690 (cell)