CEO’s statement in response to SCC’s decision on climate lawsuit

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Friends of the Earth is disappointed by the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to decline to hear our application to hold the federal government accountable for its lack of action in implementing the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act which was duly passed by Parliament in June 2007.

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Government of Canada must deal with the Devil

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(Ottawa / Winnipeg) The Devil’s in the details — especially when enforcing an environmental safeguard agreement established three years ago over the controversial Devils Lake Outlet in North Dakota. One year ago, the Federal House of Commons convened an emergency debate to discuss the Outlet’s operations. With no indicators of progress in sight Friends of the Earth Canada and the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce have joined to petition the Auditor General of Canada to ensure Canadian politicians and officials protect Canadian waters against the deleterious impacts associated with the Devils Lake Outlet.

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Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights (CEBR)

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OTTAWA — Three leading environmental organizations are using the United Nations’ World Environment Day to launch the first Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights (CEBR), model legislation that would enshrine in law the right of all Canadians to a healthy environment. The proposed Environmental Bill of Rights was researched and drafted by pro bono lawyers at Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund), on behalf of Friends of the Earth Canada and the Sierra Club Canada. The groups are asking parliamentarians from all federal parties to advance the legislation through the House of Commons.

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Canada facing legal challenge for breaking global warming law

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OTTAWA — The Government of Canada is once again facing a legal challenge for failing to take action on global warming — this time for refusing to respect a federal law that requires reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Late yesterday an Application for Judicial Review was filed with the Federal Court seeking to force the Government to comply with the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act.

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‘Dirty’ Air Act — deceptive and disastrous

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(Toronto, October 19, 2006) The Bill unveiled in Parliament today deliberately deceives Canadians. “Under Harper’s ‘Dirty’ Air Act, Big Oil wins and the average Canadian chokes,” says Beatrice Olivastri, Chief Executive Officer, Friends of the Earth. “There is nothing to protect Canadians from dirty air or climate chaos — no targets for real reductions of pollution, no schedules that nail down deadlines for reductions.”

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