Friends of the Earth Says Federal Pesticide Announcement A Big Step Toward Rebuilding Canadians’ Trust in Pesticide Decisions: recent decisions on glyphosate and neonics eroded what little trust existed

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August 4, 2021 (Ottawa) – The pesticides industry’s attempt to increase the legal levels of glyphosate (Roundup) in Canadian food has been paused. In a major shift in pesticide policy, the Government of Canada is hitting the pause button to suspend decisions on maximum residue levels(MRL) for glyphosate and any other pesticide under MRL consideration

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Monsanto treats you like a guinea pig while raking in billions

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If you care about safe food, make time to connect with the International Monsanto Tribunal this weekend. Then, read about Monsanto’s lobbying and consider how your food is affected by Roundup, the most commonly sold pesticide in the world. There’s a line up of hard hitting and heart breaking testimony scheduled for the International Monsanto

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