Does the CPP math include climate risk we ask Canada’s Chief Actuary

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  Did you know Canada has a Chief Actuary? We do and it’s his job to check the math of all the complicated financial schemes of the government. So, who better to make sure the Canada Pension Plan is protected from climate change risk? And, it turns out the Chief Actuary is doing a report

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A Fix for the Climate Polluting Canada Pension Plan

Posted By: Friends of the Earth Canada Comments Off on A Fix for the Climate Polluting Canada Pension Plan

June 1, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) Friends of the Earth Canada is calling on Canada’s largest public investor, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), with $278.9 billion in assets, to stop investing in climate polluting fossil fuels and bring its investment policies in line with Canada’s commitment to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C of warming. Canadians

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