New federal government regulation proposes to kill wild fish to protect fish farms

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This proposed regulation would impact all coastal provinces; Federal regulation of fresh water aquaculture ignored (OTTAWA, ON, Oct 22, 2014) Proposed regulations for the aquaculture industry do not deliver on the responsibilities of Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ (DFO) to protect wild fish, fish habitat and Canadian fishery waters from the negative impacts of aquaculture, according

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Une nouvelle réglementation du gouvernement fédéral propose de tuer les poissons sauvages afin de protéger les piscicultures

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Cette réglementation proposée aurait une incidence sur l’ensemble des provinces côtières; la réglementation fédérale de l’aquaculture en eau douce serait ignorée Ottawa, Ontario, le 22 octobre 2014 – La réglementation proposée de l’industrie de l’aquaculture dégage le ministère des Pêches et des Océans (MPO) de ses responsabilités à l’égard de la protection des poissons sauvages, de leur habitat

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Kill wild fish to protect farmed fish? I don’t think so

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The proposed regulation for the aquaculture industry misses the mark by a mile (well, a kilometre) – and what is the mark you may well ask? The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans has a duty to protect wild fish, fish habitat and Canadian fisheries waters from the negative impact of aquaculture.  Why is she abdicating

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Reporting disease in fish a crime? Proposed B.C. law condemned by Friends of the Earth Canada

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(Ottawa, May 30, 2012) With the anticipated passage of Bill 37 — 2012 Animal Health Act tomorrow, British Columbia Minister of Agriculture Don McRae will be responsible for new and punitive legislation with heavy fines and imprisonment for people reporting diseased animals and fish. One provision of the pending legislation would make it illegal for journalists or scientists to report on animal illnesses at fish farms or other agricultural operations.

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