Say Thanks to Mom!

If you learned about the birds and the bees and butterflies from your mom, say thank you with a Friends of the Earth Canada e-card. It’s a great way to express gratitude to your mother while also supporting FOE’s Bee Cause campaign. These e-cards are high on love and nature sentiments but low on environmental and carbon impacts.

Happy Mother’s Day!

In a recent Friends of the Earth E-blast, our own John Bennet wrote:

I received an email from a computer company the other day offering me a big “Mother’s Day” discount. What does buying a computer have to do with honoring my mother? She never owned one! 

So I looked around and found all kinds of Mother’s Day promotions. Amazon has dozens of “gift ideas” for moms. Everywhere you look somebody is trying to exploit Mother’s Day.

The founder of Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis, wanted a day set aside to respect the huge contributions mothers make to our lives. She didn’t like how commercial it became. Like me and many of you, she was a campaigner long before the word was used to describe social activists.

My mom, without knowing it, taught me to be a campaigner.

Whenever I or any of my brothers or sisters, was treated arbitrarily by a teacher, an official or even a priest, she pushed back. She taught us to question authority! She did it with reasoned confidence, not by stamping her feet and shouting insults.

She knew her facts, raised valid points and pressed for a logical outcome much like the approach Friends of the Earth Canada follows in all our environmental campaigns. Thanks Mom!

Maybe, like Anna Jarvis and me, you don’t like the commercialization of Mother’s Day but you do want to let your mother or another influential woman in your life know she’s appreciated. Consider sending a Friends of the Earth Canada e-card. They’re high on love and nature sentiments but low on environmental and carbon impacts. All e-card contributions will go to support FOE’s Bee Cause campaign.

Wishing a happy day to all moms,

For more about our Bee Cause please checkout the below link:

The Bee Cause

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