Feedback on “A Flower Patch for the Rusty-patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat Gardens for Native Pollinators in the GTA”
1) In which city or town do you live?
2) Are you a:
Part of a non-profit
Municipality staff member
3) You recently received a copy of our e-guide, “A Flower Patch for the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee.” How would you rank the e-guide in overall inspiring and informing you about gardening to help native bees?
Needs improvement
4) What did you find most valuable about the e-guide “A Flower Patch for the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee”? Select one or more answers:
Information about bees
Garden design ideas
Plant listings for the garden designs
Information on plants specific to the GTA
Illustrations of plants
Specific sections of the text – please specify below
What specific sections of the text did you find valuable?
5) When looking for information on plants, which do you prefer:
A mix of both illustrations and photographs
6) Do you anticipate that “A Flower Patch for the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee” will influence you to undertake any new gardening project?
If yes, what might that project be?